B&B ARMR’s Model B-36F Bollard Systems are expertly and aesthetically designed to act as a vehicular deterrent for perimeter security and traffic control purposes.
Engineered for simple installation and fast service, the Model B-36F is constructed of high strength steel cylindrical units. Custom bollard finishes and decorative sleeve options are available. The B-36F bollard system provides a high level of perimeter security while enhancing the aesthetics of a facility.
Configuration is simple and can include from one bollard to as many bollards as required to secure the area. Installation and maintenance are easy to provide long lasting low maintenance security solution.
The threat of terrorism has significantly increased the importance of physical security, and B&B ARMR’s B-36F Bollard Systems allow government facilities, military installations, industrial and petrochemical facilities take necessary steps to protect both property and personnel from vehicle threats.
Anti-Terrorist Vehicle Barriers / Automated Gate Systems / Full Product Service and Support
Available Models
B-36F Fixed Bollard System
(Drive Design Fixed)
- Yellow Epoxy Paint
- Alternating Stripes (Option)
- Custom Paint Color (Option)
- Stainless Steel Cover (Option)
- Decorative Cover (Option)