L3 Security & Detection Systems

Ports & Borders Screening Systems – CX-Portal®

High throughput, automated drive-through inspection

L3’s CX-Portal delivers high-energy cargo screening for security and customs applications while minimizing impact on operations. The CX-Portal combines drive-through convenience with a multi-tiered safety system that allows drivers to safely remain in the cab during scans. CX-Portal is an efficient solution for eliminating bottlenecks at ports, borders, airports and other high-volume cargo inspection locations.

The CX-Portal is automated and has the ability to safely scan the cab if required while delivering high performance imaging for the cargo. The Adaptive Scanning option identifies the type of vehicle and adjusts the X-ray dose as needed. This allows for a variety of vehicles to be scanned, from cars, pick-ups and small box trucks to full-size tractor trailers.

L3’s CV 2™ software solution integrates data from a variety of scanning systems onto a single, centralized display. The software is a user-friendly, visually-based solution that allows analysts to quickly assess cargo contents locally or remotely for contraband and other illegal materials. Plus you can count on L3’s services and support teams to fully integrate the system into your workflow.

Product Name

Ports & Borders Screening Systems – CX-Portal®

Product Code



Fully automated drive through

Low maintenance

Highly reliable and durable

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